Join our Hive

To see our current job openings, please click here.

If the position you are interested in is not available, please fill out the application below so that we already have you in our system when there is an opening. Thank you!

Our staff ensure that every guest has a memorable and delicious Sleepy Bee experience. Here you’ll find plenty of opportunities to develop and grow as part of an inclusive and supportive team.

Treating you the way you want to Bee treated:

Ready to join us?

Ready to join us? Please fill out the employment form below and a member of our team will Bee in touch.

    Are you a citizen of the United States?

    Have you ever been employed by Sleepy Bee before?

    Do you have friends or relatives employed by Sleepy Bee?

    May Sleepy Bee perform a background check on you?

    Position You Are Applying For

    Sleepy Bee Location You Are Applying For

    Type of Employment You Are Seeking:

    Which Days Are You Available to Work?

    Date Available

    Please tell us about your high school and college eduction. Be sure to include school name & location, years attended, major/subjects, and the degree/diploma/certificate received.

    Please list your last four employers. Be sure to include the name and location of employer, your starting and ending dates, title and reason for leaving.

    How were you referred to Sleepy Bee?

    AdvertisementEmployeeOther CompanyAgencySelfEmployment ServiceOther


    Add an optional Cover Letter?

    I hereby certify that the facts set forth in the above employment application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and authorize Sleepy Bee Cafe to verify their accuracy and to obtain reference information on my work performance. I hereby release Sleepy Bee Cafe from any/all liability of whatever kind and nature which, at any time, could result from obtaining and having an employment decision based on such information.

    I understand that, if employed, falsified statements of any kind or omissions of facts called for on this application shall be considered sufficient basis for dismissal.

    I understand that should an employment offer be extended to me and accepted that I will fully adhere to the policies, rules and regulations of employment of the Employer. However, I further understand that neither the policies, rules, regulations of employment or anything said during the interview process shall be deemed to constitute the terms of an implied employment contract. I understand that any employment offered is for an indefinite duration and at will and that either I or the Employer may terminate my employment at any time with or without notice or cause.

    Printing your First Name + Middle Initial + Last Name will act as your digital signature.

    Digital Signature

    Signature Date

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